Business Administration for Engineers

Event type Lectures (master´s degree)
Lecturers Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Metternich
Dr. V. Schultz
Mentoring assistant Marcel Fischer M.Sc.
Offer cycle
Semester hours per week
Credit points
Summer semester
Time Tuesday 11:40 – 13:20 Uhr
Place L4|02 201
Aims Engineers must base their decisions on economic standards. Mechanical engineers, regardless of whether they will be working in the areas of production, quality assurance, development or purchasing, should be able to apply the basics of business management knowledge. The lecture teaches the basics of cost and profitability accounting, and provides an introduction to the tasks of the various business functions.
  • Introduction
  • Accounting and financial statements
  • Cost accounting
  • Profitability accounting
  • Human resources
  • Procurement management
  • Logistics
  • Marketing
  • Strategic Management
Participation requirements Master's degree / completed intermediate diploma
Literatur Schultz: Basiswissen Betriebswirtschaft
Schultz: Basiswissen Rechnungswesen
Wiendahl: Betriebsorganisation für Ingenieure
Eversheim: Produktionstechnik
Corsten: Handbuch Produktionsmanagement Warneke: Der Produktionsbetrieb
Spur: Fabrikbetrieb
Exam The dates for the exam will be scheduled at the beginning of the semester and subsequently announced in class, as well as on this website and the TUCaN and Moodle platforms.
Announcements The lecture will take place hybrid. The link for the Zoom meeting will be made available via TUCaN and Moodle.