
Duration: Completed | 2009 – 2012

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Energy-efficient machine tools through simulation in product development, joint research project within the framework of the 25th announcement of the project executing organisation for manufacturing technology on behalf of the BMBF.

One challenge in machine design is that a reliable statement regarding the expected energy consumption and the benefits of energy-saving measures is currently not possible. Due to this problem, economic evaluations of optimisation measures are burdened with many uncertainties, which has so far made the use of energy-efficient components difficult or prevented it. This gap is closed by e-SimPro, as the expected energy savings become quantifiable and the economic efficiency also becomes clearly comprehensible. The simulation software developed in e-SimPro makes it possible to quantify the expected electrical power consumption of the individual machine component with the help of simulation models. Based on the usage profile of the machine tool, the energy consumption of a specific machining task in the various machine states can thus be calculated. This enables the machine manufacturer to evaluate various design solutions with regard to the expected energy consumption already in the development process of the machine and thus ensure that he can offer both a cost-optimised and an energy-optimised machine on the market. With the help of the e-SimPro technology, the machine tool manufacturer is also able to compare any additional costs for energy efficiency solutions with the monetary benefits and to communicate this to his customers.

Project executing organisation