MACH4.0 – Application of Data Analytics in Metal Cutting Manufacturing

Event type Tutorium (Master)
Contact persons Lucas Gräff M.Sc.
Willi Wünschel M.Sc.
Date Please note: Shift of the rotation from winter semester to summer semester

The tutorial will be held part-time during the summer semester 2024 from 15.04.24 to 07.07.24.
The regular meeting takes place on Tuesdays from 15:00 – 18:30 in presence. Exception is the first meeting. This will take place on 18.04.24 at 15:00.

The first lessons deal with the basics of machining and quality assurance. Afterwards the available data will be processed with Python and analyzed with Machine Learning. The
application of the learned methods takes place within the four-week final project.

Dates for the oral exam will be arranged with the groups.
Registration​ Due to a limited number of participants, pre-registration must be clarified via e-mail with Oliver Kohn before registering in TUCaN.
The pre-registration phase will start on 01.02.2024. A waiting list will be maintained from this date.
Note​ We cannot offer a basic course in programming with Python as part of the tutorial. Lack of previous knowledge will lead to a higher learning effort for the programming tasks during the
tutorial. Therefore, prior knowledge is helpful, but not a prerequisite.
  • Explain basic concepts for data acquisition, processing and storage for machine tools in the context of Industry 4.0.
  • Using domain knowledge from the field of machining, to identify and evaluate relevant production data regarding various technical problems.
  • Process and visually prepare time series data from production using Python.
  • Critically evaluate methods from the field of data science for an analysis of production data and implement them with Python.
  • Develop and validate solutions for technical problems in a team.
  • Prepare a visual presentation of the results.
Main aims The aim is to teach and implement modern methods from the field of data science for the evaluation of production data from machine tools. One use case is the detection of process anomalies. As a basis the requirements for automation and connection of machine tools in the context of Industry 4.0 will be dealt with. For a deeper understanding of the cutting processe, domain knowledge from the field of machining is also addressed.
Activities​ Part 1: Basics
  • Process understanding for the application in machining production.
  • Practical examples in python.

Part 2: Data Challenge as final project
  • Analysis of production data in teams.
  • Documentation of the results.