Marcel Fischer M.Sc.
Institute for Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools
MiP | Management of Industrial Production
work +49 6151 8229-617
fax +49 6151 8229-675
L1|01 111
Otto-Berndt-Straße 2
Since the summer semester 2024, Mr. Fischer is in charge of the lecture by Prof. Metternich in the master program. Business Administration for Engineers
Among other things, the lecture teaches the basics of cost and profitability accounting and provides an introduction to the tasks of the various entrepreneurial functions, because engineers must always base their decisions on economic standards in their professional lives. On the basis of the lecture, students will then be able to apply the fundamentals of business management skills that are needed in every area of business, regardless of whether they will be working in the areas of production, quality assurance, development or purchasing.
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