Yuxi Wang

Yuxi Wang M.Sc.

Institute for Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools

CiP | Center for Industrial Productivity


work +49 6151 8229-712
fax +49 6151 8229-675

Work L1|01 233
Otto-Berndt-Straße 2
64287 Darmstadt

Research Group CiP | Center for Industrial Productivity

Research focus Shopfloor Management and Problem Solving

  • Design of customized analog and digital shop floor management systems
  • System-oriented design of data-based problem solving processes

Since the winter semester 2024, Ms. Wang is in charge of the lecture Trends in Production Engineering (a Unite! Joint Lecture) of Prof. Metternich in the master program.

The lecture covers development trends in production technology and production management with a focus on current research topics from production institutes in the Unite! network of leading technical universities in the EU: resilience, circular economy, additive manufacturing, AI in production, cyber-physical systems, social responsibility in production, etc. The lecture takes place in half-day sessions to allow direct practice of the learned knowledge.

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