High Quality Drilling

The industrial working group “High Quality Drilling” focuses on drilling. The following focal points are examined in relation to component quality:

  • Deep hole drilling with extra-long twist drills
  • Fine bore machining
  • Deburring of cross bores

Tool and process-related factors influencing the machining result will be systematically analysed and discussed in the round of tool manufacturers and users.


Drilling is one of the most important metal-cutting manufacturing processes in the industrial environment, as it is often essential and takes up a considerable proportion of the total main manufacturing time. In addition, drilling operations are often located at the end of the value chain, which additionally increases possible scrap costs. Particularly in automotive series production, there is an effort to continuously increase productivity in machining due to the enormous cost pressure. In order to support tool manufacturers and tool users in that effort, selected technologies are being examined within the scope of the working group and levers for their optimisation are being identified. The focus is always on the achieved component quality.

Extra-long solid carbide twist drills are able to replace straight-fluted single-lip drills in the area of cylinder head production (e.g. main oil channel). Due to the double-edged point grinding and the twisted chip flute, significantly larger spindle feeds are possible. For valve guide machining, in addition to combination tools for valve guide and seat, low-frequency lateral vibrations of multi-bladed reamers are being investigated. In addition, bore intersections frequently occur in metal-cutting manufacturing, which represent a potential source of error due to the formation of burrs. Approaches to the burr prediction, the burr evaluation but also the deburring itself are investigated.


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  Name Working area(s) Contact
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Weigold
Head of Institute [Please contact the secretariat]
+49 6151 16-21877
L1|01 109
Christopher Krebs M.Sc.
Team Lead TEC | Manufacturing Technology
+49 6151 8229-743
L1|01 47
Fuzhang He M.Sc.
TEC | Manufacturing Technology
+49 6151 8229-665
L1|01 43