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Design the production technology of tomorrow with us – today!

In Germany, every second job is linked to production. It is therefore important to regularly production systems and manufacturing technologies and to make them more intelligent, efficient and sustainable through innovations.

We are one of the leading research institutes in the field of application-oriented production research and make a major contribution to the further development of production technology in Germany.

Our research groups

Our strength lies in our interdisciplinarity. In four research groups we investigate technologies and management for modern production. We research solutions at the hardware and software level that will make industrial processes more efficient, digital and sustainable. The cross-group collaboration of our research groups is the key to synergies and innovations.

Practice-relevant research is part of our DNA

In addition to current research projects with numerous industry partners, we have three of our own learning factories: The ETA Factory (Energy Efficiency, Technology and Application Center), the CiP Process Learning Factory (Center for Industrial Productivity) and the FlowFactory (customized individual and small series production). In addition, the two pilot plants TEC-Lab and AMC enable us to map additive and subtractive processes and link them together. In these halls, particular attention was paid to the practical implementation of a wide range of processes. As a result, they have laid the foundations for numerous important large-scale projects and serve as a source of inspiration for further developments.