Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools
PTW currently has five test halls at its disposal for our research activities. The original PTW test hall houses modern machinery as well as a climate-stable measuring and test processing room, mechanical support and the training workshop. In 2007, the test field was expanded with the TEC-Lab, with an area of 500 m², in which the principles of lean production are researched and conveyed in a tangible way. At the beginning of 2016, a new 770 m² factory hall was opened with the Energy Efficiency, Technology and Application Center Process Learning Factory. On the research side, the focus here is on energy efficiency and energy flexibility at building and machine level. In 2023, the ETA-Fabrik (Additive Manufacturing Center) was also opened as a unique experimental space for industry and science. In over 600 square meters of laboratory space, we work together with other institutes at TU Darmstadt on topics along the additive process chain. Furthermore, the PTW's portfolio was expanded in 2023 with the Flow Factory, a research factory for researching technical and organizational implementation options for the digitalized, lean production of the future. In addition to a flexible value stream, there is a makerspace on a total of 500 square meters where students and interested parties can give free rein to their creativity. AMC