Registration for an ADP | ARP is done through the secretariat of
Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Metternich or Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Weigold

Advanced Design Project (ADP)

Offer cycle Constantly, by arrangement
Workload The duration of the task is foreseen to be 4 weeks working on the task for a whole day.
Credit points
  • 4 – 8 CP, depending on the expected workload
  • In total, each student needs 12 CP
  • Guideline: 30h per credit point
  • Prerequisite: Vordiplom/ Bachelor
  • Team size: 4 to max. 7 persons
  • Individual and team registration possible
  • Each participant receives an individual grade
  • ADPs must be registered in the study office
General In the Advanced Design Project, students are given the opportunity to work on current research projects. Here, students work in teams on complex tasks that are roughly defined by the respective supervisor. The topics are varied and practical. The students should work out their own solutions and the subject area should be concretized independently. It is possible to involve the industry in the task definition, the provision of aids and in the presentation of the results. During the project, the students are intensively supervised and offered a modern working environment. A constructive product development must be in the foreground, otherwise the MechCenter can reject the work.
Aims The student should master the scientific way of working. He should be able to organize, plan and carry out the task independently. organize, plan and carry out the task. This includes the independent acquisition of information from the library from the library and from databases. He should also be able to present his results in written as well as oral form in a scientifically correct manner. in a scientifically correct manner.

Available projects

  • Erstellung und Realisierung eines Konzepts für die Montage eines Inline-Sensors in einer Durchlaufreinigungsanlage

    Creation and Realisation of a concept for the assembly of an inline sensor in a Aqueous Parts Cleaning Machine


    Supervisor: Lina Kramer, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

  • Optimierung von Materialfluss und Produktionsprozessen – Innovative Lösungen für den modernen Labor-/Produktionsbetrieb


    Supervisors: Kevin Zhao, M.Sc., Lukas Hammen, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

  • Entwicklung eines vielseitigen Zonenmodells für die additive Fertigung mit PySLM

    Creating a feature-rich zoning system for additive manufacturing via PySLM


    Supervisors: Jonathan Utsch, M.Sc., David Zentgraf (geb. Köcher), M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

  • Quantifizierung der Ressourcenverbräuche in der Getränkeabfüllung

    Übertrage Ressourceneffizienz auf neue Industrien!


    Supervisor: Hans Joachim Groß, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

  • Ressourcenverschwendung Messbar Machen – Quantifizierung des Pulververbrauchs in einem Handgeführten Beschichtungsprozess

    Deine Chance, aktiv zur ressourceneffizienten Produktion beizutragen!


    Supervisors: Hans Joachim Groß, M.Sc., Sarah Mechenbier, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

  • Gradierte Oberflächeneigenschaften bei Implantaten in der additiven Fertigung


    Supervisor: Johanna Gluns, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

  • Qualitätssicherung in der additiven Fertigung von Implantaten mittels Prozessüberwachung


    Supervisor: Johanna Gluns, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

  • Erarbeitung eines Messkonzeptes zur Quantifizierung der Ressourcenverschwendung eines handgeführten Beschichtungsprozesses

    Development of a Measurement Concept to Quantify the Resource Waste of a Hand-Guided Coating Process


    Supervisor: Hans Joachim Groß, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

  • Traceability-gestützte CO2-Bilanzierung in der FlowFactory

    Traceability-supported carbon footprinting in the FlowFactory


    Supervisor: Phillip Bausch, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

  • Entwicklung eines Demonstrators für resiliente Produktionssysteme im Rahmen eines EU-Weiten Projekts

    Development of a demonstrator for resilient production systems as part of an EU-wide project


    Supervisors: Erkut Sarikaya, M.Sc., Augustino Doan, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

  • Entwicklung einer grafischen Benutzeroberfläche zur Entgratung von Kreuzbohrungen

    Development of a graphical user interface for deburring cross holes


    Supervisor: Christopher Krebs, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

  • Identifikation und Implementierung eines Blockchain Use Case in der Kunststoffverarbeitung

    Identification and prototypical Implementation of a Blockchain Use Case in Plastics Processing


    Supervisor: Arthur Stobert, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

  • Auslegung eines Prüfstands zur Untersuchung des Betriebsverhaltens von elektrischen Antrieben für den Einsatz in Motorspindeln


    Supervisor: Patrick Fehn, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

  • Verbesserung des Abweichungsmanagement für das Shopfloor Management durch den Einsatz von LLMs

    Improvement of deviation management for shop floor management using LLMs


    Supervisors: Yuxi Wang, M.Sc., Jan Chytraeus, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF

Advanced Research Project (ARP)

Offer cycle Constantly, by arrangement
Workload approx. 180 hours
Credit points
  • 4 – 8 CP, depending on the expected workload.
  • In total each student needs 6 CP
  • Guideline: 30h per Credit Point
  • Team size: 4 to max. 7 persons
  • Individual and team registration possible
  • Each participant receives an individual grade
  • ARPs have to be registered in the study office
General provides students with an opportunity to work on current research projects. ARPs involve an analytical approach to research problems, particularly through the research and evaluation of literature. Each participant of the ARP is assigned an individual topic, which is determined by the supervisor.given by the respective supervisor. The individual topics of an ARP usually complement each other in terms of content, so that a broad discussion within the team is possible. In addition to work and time planning for complex tasks, this also and time planning for complex tasks, teamwork and role understanding as well as communication and moderation techniques. During the project, the students are intensively supervised and they are offered a modern working environment.
Aims The student should master the scientific way of working. He should be able to organize, plan and carry out the task independently. organize, plan and carry out the task. This includes the independent acquisition of information from the library from the library and from databases. He should also be able to present his results in written as well as oral form in a scientifically correct manner. in a scientifically correct manner.

Current tenders

  • Identifikation und Implementierung eines Blockchain Use Case in der Kunststoffverarbeitung

    Identification and prototypical Implementation of a Blockchain Use Case in Plastics Processing


    Masterthesis, Advanced Design Project (ADP), Advanced Research Project (ARP)

    Supervisor: Arthur Stobert, M.Sc.

    Announcement as PDF