Jonathan Utsch

Jonathan Utsch M.Sc.

Institute for Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools

TEC | Manufacturing Technology


work +49 6151 8229-625
fax +49 6151 8229-675

Work L1|17 (AMC) 206
Ottilie-Bock-Straße 1
64287 Darmstadt

Research Group TEC | Manufacturing Technology

Research focus on process development for additive manufacturing

  • Component-specific process development PBF-LB/M (especially copper)
  • Beam Shaping

Since the winter semester 2023/2024, Mr. Utsch has been in charge of the lecture Technology of Manufacturing Processes by Prof. Weigold. Within the TdF lecture, future engineers are taught the basics of the various manufacturing processes in metal and plastics processing. The aim of the lecture is to provide students with different possibilities for the production of physical components and to enable them to assess the selection from the point of view of function, cost, and quality.

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