Robin Zink M.Sc.
Institute for Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools
ETA | Energy Technologies and Applications in Production
work +49 6151 8229-638
fax +49 6151 8229-675
L6|03 (ETA-Fabrik) 203
Eugen-Kogon-Straße 4
Research Group ETA | Energy Technologies and Applications in Production
Research focus Energy management & monitoring
- Creating transparency in industrial energy systems
- Analyzing and enabling industrial production systems to operate in an energy-efficient and energy-flexible manner
- Using artificial intelligence methods to predict and forecast energy flows in industrial manufacturing environments
- Adaptive machine learning models
- Analyzing and enabling of IT infrastructures for real-time use of machine learning models
Since the winter semester 2023/2024, Mr. Zink supervises the lecture by Prof. Weigold in the Master's program. Machine Learning Applications
This takes place in cooperation with Prof. Metternich (PTW) and Prof. Klingauf (FSR). The lecture combines engineering issues with modern methods of machine learning in the context of artificial intelligence. Based on the mathematical theory of the methods, the methods are explained and critically scrutinized from the perspective of engineering science using relevant practical examples from the manufacturing industry. Examples include the use of machine learning for operational optimization, maintenance, energy management and quality assurance. As part of a practical project, students can test their newly acquired knowledge directly on real data from industry.

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