Increased Productivity in Additive Manufacturing
2nd AutoBeam project meeting AMC
On Thursday February 29th we had the second consortium meeting at the TU Darmstadt – Additive Manufacturing Center in the “AutoBeam” project. In the consortium of:
- Trumpf SE + Co. KG
- Oerlikon AM
- BMW Group
- Institute for Product Development and Machine Elements – pmd and
- Institut für Produktionsmanagement, Technologie und Werkzeugmaschinen – PTW
we reviewed our progresses and we are excited to make a large contribution to increasing productivity for the PBF-LB process with our research project.
We express our gratitude to and the Project Management Juelich for recognizing the valuable impact of our project and for supporting our endeavors through funding in the Technology Transfer Program Lightweight Construction. Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action