Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. h.c. Eberhard Abele
Institute for Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools
work +49 6151 8229-642
fax +49 6151 8229-675
L6|03 (ETA-Fabrik) 204
Eugen-Kogon-Straße 4
1972 – 1977 | Parler Gymnasium, Schwäbisch GmündStudium Kybernetik und Allgemeiner Maschinenbau (Dipl.-Ing.) an der TU Stuttgart |
1977 – 1983 | Scientific assistant at the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology and Automation (IPA), Stuttgart 1983 Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Stuttgart |
1983 – 1986 | Head of the department “Industrial Robots and Automation” at the Fraunhofer Institute (IPA), Stuttgart |
1992 – 1996 | Lectureships at the University of Karlsruhe and Barcelona |
1977 – 1983 | Stihl, Waiblingen Head of department for production development and production planning |
1991 – 1999 | Bosch, BühlDivision Manager Manufacturing Technology and Special Machine Construction Technical Plant Manager in Barcelona (Spain) and Bonneville (France), among others (France) |
2000 – 2020 | Head of the Institute for Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools (PTW) at the Technical University of Darmstadt |
2005 – 2007 | Dean of the Department of Mechanical Engineering |
2007 | Founded and established the Process Learning Factory (CiP) at the TU Darmstadt |
2015 | Establishment and inauguration of the energy efficiency factory ''ETA-Fabrik'' |
2016 – 2017 | President of the Scientific Society for Production Engineering (WGP) |
2015 – 2019 | Spokesman of the board of directors of the Copernicus project SynErgie (80 partners, 10 million Euro budget per year) |
2003 | Winner of the Hessian Cooperation Award |
2008 | Winner of the competition “Germany – Land of Ideas” with theprocess learning factory |
2011 | Winner of the "Hessian University Award for Excellence in Teaching |
2013 | Honorary professor at Nanjing University, China |
2013 | Friendship Medal Jiangsu Province, China |
2014 | Award of the National Friendship Award by chin. Prime Minister |
2018 | Athene Prize for Knowledge and Technology Transfer of the TU Darmstadt |
- International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP)
- Scientific Society for Production Engineering (WGP), President 2016/2017
- Carl Benz Circle of the VDI-ADB
- Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Transactions of FAMENA, University of Zagreb
- Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of Carl Hanser Verlag for the journal “wb”.
- Members of staff at PTW
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the journal wt-online
- Member acatech (Ambassador of the Technical University of Darmstadt)

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