Gilbert Ely Engert

Gilbert Ely Engert M.Sc.

Institute for Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools

TEC | Manufacturing technology


work +49 6151 8229-724
fax +49 6151 8229-675

Work L1|01 27
Otto-Berndt-Straße 2
64287 Darmstadt

Research Group TEC | Manufacturing technology

Research focus on Human-machine interaction and artificial intelligence in production

  • User interface for machine tools
  • AI applications and other technologies for interaction with machine tools
  • Machine tool control and operation

Since the summer semester of 2023, Mr. Engert has been supervising the CAD/CAM Process Chain tutorial in the master’s program. The goal of the tutorial, in addition to introducing the Manufacturing module of NX, is to teach the fundamentals, methods, and techniques for generating NC control data. The tutorial includes an introduction to CAM techniques, such as the selection of technological data, strategies, tools, and other process parameters. Furthermore, it explains how NC data is generated for real manufacturing on machine tools using various methods and how a machine simulation with the corresponding post-processor is set up and conducted for validation.

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